Gary was born and raised in Japan where his parents were missionaries. He attended Pacific Christian College (now Hope International University) and graduated with a degree in Preaching Ministry/Missions. After graduation Gary served as senior pastor of the Kahaluu Christian Church in Hawaii for 13 years.

Gary then spent a number of years in the business world. In that world, he learned organizational and administrative skills not taught in Bible colleges as well as the hard lessons of living and sharing one's faith in the secular workplace. This is one of the greatest challenges to the average American believer and often a difficult one for career church leaders to understand. Regardless of his occupation, his vocation has always been to lead others to Christ.

Gary believes that religion sucks the life out of you. He believes that a relationship with Jesus Christ gives life. During his years as a pastor he was committed to break down the walls of “churchianity” and present things in a fresh, meaningful way. Whether speaking or writing, his main communication gift has always been to take a difficult concept and make it simple, amusing, and memorable through the use of unexpected word pictures. Faith is not about rituals on Sunday morning, it is about being a follower of Christ. Gary's vision for the church is a missional one; that we are enlisting to be sent. We become disciples to make new disciples. A disciple is one who asks, “What does Jesus say?” And “What am I going to do about it?”

Gary may be one of the few leaders in the contemporary church yet to own a nice plaid shirt, yet he has demonstrated his commitment to today's church in other ways. He recently wrote, directed and starred in a Christian rap video, creating the persona “Rap Rapture”, performing with his granddaughter “Little Tizzle."

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Let's Talk -- Walker-Writer Blog. Gary's mind is a teeming bog of arcane trivia, experience and opinion.